Thursday, September 18, 2014

Passive Rejection

Only my second blog and it feels more challenging than 17 days of rejection. Maybe it's because it's mostly been passive rejection for me recently. I don't always specifically go after one, but when it happens, I count it.

The big one for me lately was my very first singing audition. This one falls under the 'out of my comfort zone' category. But it's also been long enough that I know I didn't get the job, so... double rejection?
Look people, I don't sing. Someone once criticized me and it hurt my precious, little ego to the core.
When I got the invite to the callback, I responded with a 'thanks, but I don't sing, so I'll have to pass'. They countered with a 'don't worry about it, it's not a huge part of the job, bring what you got'.
 Fine. I'll go and count that shit towards my challenge.
I was terrified. I wanted to puke for at least 3 days before that audition.
Well, when I got there the CD player they were using wasn't working. This was going to be an a capella audition.
Oh! Did I mention that every other person there WAS a singer? Yea...
They were nice and all, but all I saw was
Ok, so basically... did it. It wasn't horrible, but not anything to be proud of, obviously. I hear my acting coach saying 'no one has ever died from being uncomfortable'. It's true. I didn't die.

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