Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 10: Brookhaven 911

I had a few ideas for today's rejection, but I didn't feel like doing it alone today. After my inertia on Day 8, I didn't want to chance that I would freeze up again. So I asked Jacki to meet me after work and we could give each other moral support through today's challenge.

We met at a Starbucks and chatted for a while, trying to decide who we could approach. I had this idea of asking someone to dance with me, and although that's not the request I chose today, I will certainly try that one soon. If a stranger dances with me out of the blue, how cool would that be?

Partners in crime?
Anyway, as Jacki already noted, we set our sights on a friendly neighborhood police officer who happened into the place not long after we did. Jacki thought he would be a good choice for a, ahem, target because the very idea made both of us nervous. I've only ever approached the police when I genuinely needed something or was in trouble. Both of us had misgivings about bothering an officer on duty, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry. He put in his order and waited around for it like everyone else. So we decided he was it, and that we'd do ours together.

I'll leave you to read Jacki's post for the initial details. As she notes, he seemed mildly annoyed at us, which made this request that much more awkward.

After he refused Jacki I said, "Well if you said no to her you're definitely going to say no to me." He again got that eye roll thing going and said "Let me guess, you want to hold my gun and point it up at the sky and pretend to shoot it?" Both Jacki and I were like "Hell no!" We're weren't about to ask for a police officer's weapon. Although now that I think about it, that's not a bad one actually...

"I just wanted to know if you'd handcuff her?" I said, pointing to Jacki and giggling like a schoolgirl.

He shook his head at us, said no and walked away briskly. "Are you sure?" I called after him. He was sure.

Ok, so today's was a bit juvenile. I felt like I was in college again for a moment. But, it was different I guess, and like Jacki said, this request I really did want. I would have paid cash money to have a police officer handcuff her. Does that make me a bad friend?

He didn't seem to have much else to do at the moment...


  1. Strangely (or not?) I would have welcomed being cuffed. Hopefully for the only time ... I mean, by a police officer ... uh oh, I'm digging a hole.

    1. I really wish he would have done it. He needed to loosen up a bit. And you apparently needed some punishment. ;-P

  2. Bad bad bad girls. .. lol. ..
