Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 13: The Postman

Saturday's rejection was a lesson in not letting opportunities slip away. I was out walking Delia, thinking about how I could get rejected for the day. As I walked over to a nearby townhouse complex I spied the mail man sorting through the mail and depositing it into the various mailboxes there. I felt that familiar "Should I? Shouldn't I?" going through my head. Yes... no... stop... keeping walking. I almost stopped, then hesitated, then I kept walking. I turned a corner, leaving the mail man out of sight, but not out of mind. A few minutes later I heard him pack up his vehicle and drive off. I wanted  so much to double back and catch him before he left but Delia was doing her business and I wasn't about to yank her away. I heard him drive away, and my heart sank as I realized that was the sound of opportunity lost. I was disappointed in myself for wimping out.

Bonus points for whoever can name who these two.

But life often gives us opportunity to redeem ourselves, and I got mine! I got back to my own townhouse and thought to myself I need to check my own mail, so I walked out back to our mail center and who do you think was there, delivering the mail to my complex? Mister Opportunity!! He even had set up a little portable radio and speaker to help him get through his job in the heat. I wasn't about to let my second chance go by untaken, and so I leapt.

"You look really busy!" I said to him when I got close. He looked up and agreed. "Yeah yeah, gotta do it."

"Well....Can I help you deliver the mail?" I asked. He laughed at that, shook his head and said "I don't know if they'd let me do that! He he he!" He had a good laugh. Very hearty.

"I've never delivered mail before," I said. "I'd like to try!" He laughed some more and said he couldn't let me do that but if I wanted to wait for a minute, he'd get my mail for me before he put everyone else's in their box. So I waited and we joked a bit more and I commented on his slick little speaker setup. Then, after looking through his three different bins for three different types of mail (I learned something about mail delivery that day) he declared he had none for me.

"That's ok, that means no bills either." I said and wished him a great day.

Some of these people should never, ever quit their day job

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