Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 4: Rejected early, rejected often

Today's rejection is antithetical to yesterday's herculean efforts to get rejected. And a good thing too - I'm tired!

I was on the phone today with the Membership Director of a business club that I belong to. It's a fantastic place, they really care about their members and are always willing to listen to member feedback and put into action some of our suggestions as to what we'd like to see there. The Membership Director is also the most lovely and generous young lady you will ever meet. But, she has rules to abide by.

I called her up today to discuss converting to a different type of membership, and she answered the phone with her usual lively "Hello Ms. DeRitis! How are you?" So happy, that one. I'm a bit jealous of her positive outlook on life, to be honest. Anyway, I didn't plan this rejection ahead at all, but I told her it felt really weird to be referred to as Ms. DeRitis when I talk to her, and would she please call me Pamela? I would like it if she did. Well she said no. Wha? But I'm a member and that's what I want! Nope, she said they were trained specifically on this point--as well as many other points of etiquette I'm sure, as they are always polite and professional, which is one of the reasons I love them. Anyway, surely a member's wishes supercede the training? But nope, she could not grant my request. Mild rejection #1.

We went on to discuss my options for converting my membership, and during the course of discussion I asked her if I converted, could she give me a couple of comp months off my bill? She couldn't do that either and I guess I understand. She did mention however that the yearly membership works out to be a lower monthly rate than what I've been paying, so I could save $$ that way, and it comes with a bunch of money saving perks that I am not getting currently, at which point I threw in "Why don't you just give me an entire year free? What do you say?" She laughed... and then said No. Ha. Mild rejection #2.

That's all I have for today. Although I did not embark on quite the quest that I did yesterday, I still got a two-fer out of today's rejection. I wish I could apply one of them to tomorrow, but alas, the answer to that is...


  1. My yesterday rejection was pretty lame too, but I'm going to wait to post a few together since it was THAT lame :)
