Sunday, September 7, 2014

Reflections on Rejection, Week 1

So it's a week into our little Rejection Therapy challenge and I feel like I should start raising the stakes a little, whatever that means. I should take more risks, be a little bolder. I think I might be too scared to do that, but I can try and force myself at least once and maybe when I'm sure that I won't drop dead, it might get easier.

I have noticed, on the plus side, that I'm more willing to talk to strangers, not necessarily to get rejected but just to smile and say hello. I saw a man in Whole Foods today breaking up a bunch of bananas into two smaller bunches. I probably wouldn't have noticed him before but now that I'm kind of "on alert" for rejection opportunities I am noticing the people around me a little more. "Thanks for breaking up that bunch!" I said to him as I took the other half for myself. He laughed and said it would have been too much for just him. Then we went on our ways. It may seem inconsequential, and it's not like I brought up global warming or anything, but I never would have done that before. So, aside from getting used to being turned down, I think I am becoming ever so slightly more comfortable interacting with people I don't know. Mind you, I doubt I will ever be Miss Social Butterfly, but I am noticing a slight shift in my demeanor. Hopefully it's for the better!


  1. I think that IS a big move. Talking to people can be the best medicine. You never know, maybe he was having a bad day and you made him smile for the only time that day. Many people have done this for me and not known it when I was having a bad day. This is the kind of thing I would like to get out of this challenge ...

    1. Thanks Jacki! You are right, you never know. People have cheered me up without knowing it too... Then again when I'm in a bad mood I have a pretty big puss on my face so maybe they did know. Ha!
