Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day 8: The tale of the pretty blue bike

I'm posting yesterday's rejection a day late because it was a long, trying day and by the time I got home I wanted to just relax and not think too much.

In fact, long and trying could describe my rejection yesterday pretty well! On the way home from work I was thinking about what I could do for my rejection therapy. There's a chocolate shop not far from my home that makes to die for dark chocolate covered pretzels. I thought, I'll go there and maybe ask the sales woman to hug me. I really needed a hug yesterday, I was feeling kind of needy. And to Jacki's point, might as well ask for something I really want.

I got to the chocolate shop but as I was checking out another customer walked in. This is a tiny shop mind you, and I didn't relish my rejection going down in front of an audience. Sure, I've had an audience for previous rejections, sometimes a big one. But yesterday I was already feeling icky in my stomach and I was in a bad mood. I just wanted to get rejected and go home.

So I left the chocolate shop and sat on one of the tables outside, munching on my treat. It was hot yesterday, really hot. And I was in my long work slacks and a long sleeved sweater. Yep, a sweater. They keep the air conditioning cranked so high in my office that I usually have a sweater on inside. I would have taken it off but I had nothing to replace it with and didn't want to get rejected and go to jail. So, I sat there, wondering who to stop, what to ask, in a crabby mood, stomach hurts, sweltering in my long sleeved sweater and slacks.

People came and people went. Some were in a hurry, others sauntered along. Still I sat, never making a move. It just never seemed like the right time. I definitely have a hard time approaching people but throughout this challenge I have *made* myself do it and was always happy I did. But not yesterday. I couldn't pry myself off that seat, even in the heat in my slacks and sweater, to make it happen for any amount of reward.

I sat for over an hour and a half.

And then I sat some more.

Finally I said to myself do this or go home and fail for the day. Not a moment later I saw this odd looking man ride up to the parking area on a bike. A small bike for his huge frame. A pretty, blue, small bike with a basket on the front. It was a comical scene, but he was a serious dude. It almost made me forget how shitty I was feeling. "It's now or never!" I said to myself.

So I got up, walked over and asked him where he got the bike. It really was pretty and I would actually love to have a bike like that. He wasn't that conversational but I wasn't sticking around long. "Hey do you mind if I take it for a spin?" And there it was, my rejection in all its elusive glory, handed to me by a large, odd man on a diminutive pretty blue bike with a basket.

I was so glad to be done I couldn't get the @$&*! out of there fast enough. And when I got home, I drowned my sorrows in a big salad.

The end.