Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Rejection #3: Discounted wine, please?

Today Rejection Therapy once again took me somewhere I wouldn't otherwise have been. After coffee and a meeting in Decatur, then more work at a Starbucks, I would have normally gone home. Instead I headed to Town Brookhaven looking for a rejection because I hadn't found one yet.

I went to Which Wich first. I kinda got rejected there, but it didn't feel like it should count. I asked if I had to fill out a bag if I just wanted a PB&J. I was trying to avoid filling out a kiddie bag and getting a juice box and Rice Krispie treat along with my meal. I was told that, no, I'd have to fill out a bag so I could answer some details. The most embarrassing selection was Crust / No Crust. Yes, now I cannot even try to ignore the fact that I'm ordering from the Kids' Menu. Whatever, PB&J is awesome.

Anyway, it was a rejection all right, but something that would easily happen to me in everyday life. I ate my sandwich hoping for some divine wisdom to land in my head, but it didn't. I ended up Facebook messaging someone I've secretly crushed on and asking if they'd want to go out sometime. I've received no answer, which I'm guessing will eventually lead to a rejection, but who knows when 'cause I'm almost sure he's at work until late and my phone told me he doesn't have Messenger. Damn you, Facebook Messenger!

Okay, so I went to my car and it started pouring. Now I'm sitting in my car in the rain, not wanting to drive, Googling "Rejection Therapy Ideas," and getting nowhere. I'm realizing that I really don't want to ask for things that I don't actually want or that might make other people feel awkward. It starts to feel a bit cruel. My first day definitely felt cruel.

I decided to go to Noche because I had a writing deadline and knew I couldn't go home yet without a rejection! As my server asked what I wanted to drink, I asked if they have a "rainy day drink special." She said no, so I asked if she could make a rainy day drink special just for me. She rolled her eyes and said, "No, we don't have any rainy day drink specials."
Another one down. And I'm now on my second glass of (non-discounted) wine, so that last sentence was a secret pun. Shhhhh ...

Nom nom, Pinot Grigio

1 comment:

  1. Voila! Day 3 was a success... er, failure? I'm glad I did mine with you there!
