About the Rejection Boot Campers
Pamela DeRitis |
We are three actors in Atlanta, GA trying to make our way in the "business." We get rejected a lot. I guess that's because we're always sticking our necks out for the craft that we love! Still, hearing "No" is never an easy thing. Problem: how to make getting rejected an experience that doesn't feel like a kick in the gut, but instead could actually help us succeed? Solution: Rejection Therapy!
Jacki Flynn |
Pamela, Jacki, and Candace have set themselves a big task. For thirty days, we are going to make requests of the people in our lives that we hope will be rejected. We will be hearing "No" an awful lot. And if it ever happens that someone says "Yes," we go back to square one for that day. In order to play the game, the answer has to be a big fat "No."
Why would anyone put themselves through this? Even the most well known business gurus say that in order to succeed, you have to fail and fail again. We want to conquer our fear of rejection and turn it into a motivation on our road to success. Sounds counterintuitive but trust us, it makes sense!
About Pamela:
Pamela is a business analyst and actor living in Atlanta, GA.
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About Jacki:
Jacki is a freelance writer, editor, and actor living in Atlanta, GA.
Candace Mabry
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About Candace:
Candace is an actor, coach, and producer living in Atlanta, GA.
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