Saturday, August 23, 2014

New Rejection Boot Camper! ... and cold feet

Hi, I just wanted to post and say we are excited to welcome Candace as our third (and final) rejection boot camper. You can check her out on our About page and I'm sure she'll join in on the posting soon.

I'm getting nervous about September 1st. I mean, if I really take this seriously (which I plan to) and try to get fully rejected each day ... that might suck a little. I'm already an emotional roller coaster of a mess most of the time. What was I thinking?!?

Welp, I'm in it to win it now ... so hopefully it will help in the long run :)

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Just say no!

From Pamela:

Jacki has already written a great intro to our challenge. If you haven't already read it, here's an excerpt:

"Okay, we're 11 days away from kicking off this challenge. If you haven't read our About Page, please do. It'll quickly tell you what this is all about.

"If you like TED talks and TEDx (and really, who doesn't?), you can watch this TEDx talk about a guy who went 100 days with Rejection Therapy."

I encourage you to head to her post and read the entire thing. (Hint: We both need your help!) but what she said is good starting point.

So, my new mantra for the month of September is "Just say no." Drugs are bad, m'kay? Actually I hope not to have to resort to drugs during this challenge, but I'm keeping my options open. In the meantime, I need your input. Starting September 1, Jacki and I are both going to take the Rejection Therapy challenge, wherein our goal is to be rejected once a day for thirty days. It'll build character and put hair on our chest. Well, ok maybe no hair. Anyway, help a poor actor out and let me know your suggestions for ways that I can approach friends, family, or strangers on the street and request something of them that's just nutty enough to be rejected, but doesn't land me in jail.

And go!

Help me get rejected!

Say NO to me!
From Jacki:

Okay, we're 11 days away from kicking off this challenge. If you haven't read our About Page, please do. It'll quickly tell you what this is all about.

If you like TED talks and TEDx (and really, who doesn't?), you can watch this TEDx talk about a guy who went 100 days with Rejection Therapy.

So, gearing up for the kickoff, Pamela and I have talked about some of the ways to ensure success.

  1. We need to get a list going of ways to get rejected. 
  2. We ask that if you are a friend and we request something of you, try to respond naturally. Yes, you may know we're in Rejection Boot Camp, but we'd rather you try to pretend like you don't know. 
What else? You can help us, I know you can. What are we not thinking about?

As for #1 up there, here are some of my initial ideas for rejection to maybe stir up some creative ideas from YOU:
  • Ask one of my clients for an increase in one of our payment structures.
  • Ask a "not close" friend for a head massage or shoulder massage.
  • Ask basically anyone to rub my feet (even much of my family would probably say "No").
  • Ask someone I have a crush on for a kiss (yes, I have people in mind, oooh).
  • Ask a stranger to scratch my back in a place I can't reach.

Okay, clearly I want to be touched this morning. Kiss me, rub me, scratch me! :) These ideas were off the top of my head, but do you have any?? I welcome your input. Just comment below!